Our Mission
SpotOn provides elementary schools, teachers, and families a guided program full of excellent resources to help students master their Math Facts. Facts covered include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
SpotOn currently offers products for first, second and third grade. The program takes 5-10 minutes of instructional time daily.
Our Products

Teacher Resource Books
Our Teacher Resource books are filled with research based activities to help your students...

Flash Cards
SpotOn offers algorithm flash cards and subtilizing flash cards. We have flash...

Student Workbooks
About 10 practice activities for each fact in the order of the...

Our Story
SpotOn was born in 2021 out of a need at the elementary level for kids to practice math facts in an developmentally appropriate, organized, year long and fun way!
As an experienced teacher, math tutor, curriculum writer and parent, SpotOn is a culmination of all my experiences and passions. I was asked to write a math facts program for my children's elementary school. As I began working I decided if one school has this need, others might too. That's how SpotOn Math Facts started! It has since been enthusiastically embraced by students, teachers and families. I have received feedback that it is easy for teachers to deliver, productive for students, and clear for parents.
Products by Grade Level
First Grade
All of our First Grade Resources cover these sixteen addition and subtraction...
Second Grade
All of our Second Grade Resources cover these 20 addition and subtraction...
Third Grade
All of our Third Grade Resources cover these 14 multiplication and division fact sets. Multiplication Facts...
Customer Reviews

Research Based Instruction
SpotOn hopes to bring awareness to the best practices in math fact instruction and help provide resources that make those practices a reality.
If your school is using timed test for math facts please read.

What Makes Us Different?
All about SpotOn Math Facts how it is used in the classroom and what makes it unique and innovative.

When is each fact covered?
Learn what facts are covered in first grade, second grade, and third grade.